Recognizing our Direct Support Professionals (Part 1—Children’s Services)
September 16, 2020
This week – September 13-19, 2020 – is Direct Support Professionals Recognition Week in Massachusetts! We join our colleagues throughout the Commonwealth in recognizing and celebrating our Direct Support Professionals.
Latham Centers sincerely appreciates every member of our direct care staff. Your work supporting children and adults with complex special needs is exceptional, and you make a significant difference in the lives of so many. We’re grateful for this opportunity to let our professional support team members know that we recognize the importance Direct Support Professionals (DSPs) have in the lives of individuals with disabilities and their families. We salute the wonderful work you do! Pictured are some of our Children’s Program staff members celebrating a student’s special day. Gerry Pouliot, Director of Children’s Services (pictured below leading today’s all-staff Zoom meeting) said that although we honor our staff during DSP Recognition Week, every day of the year we quietly celebrate our team’s creative dedication to mastery and independence at Latham.
“During this week of appreciation, I would like to simply say thank you. We have a lot on our plates simply being a residential school, but this year has been different… nothing could have prepared us for COVID-19. Starting in March, we asked the clinical team to empty their building which they did without hesitation, we asked you to wear masks, to enter in one door vs. the other, we asked you to teach in suites, we asked suites to share their space, we asked you to deliver food to the suites, we asked you to pack the suites’ food up, we asked you to be tested, we asked you to take your temperature at home and then again when you come to campus, we asked you to use PPE, we asked you to keep our campus safe – and you have. We have received recognition both in-state and within the PWS community as best practice during a pandemic. This is because of you, each and every one of you… You have kept our students and campus safe and we thank you from the bottom of our hearts. I am so thankful for you; Latham Strong is a real thing. Cheers to another year and cheers to all of you.” — Gerry
…We’ll honor our Adult Services Program staff on tomorrow’s blog.