PWS University Episode 20: The Magic of Latham – “it’s like Disney!”

Our LivingHealthy with PWS Podcast highlights our students, staff, and culture at Latham Centers as well as in our overarching PWS Community. In our most recent podcast, we focus on the magic of Latham Centers for a person diagnosed with Prader-Willi syndrome. Susan LaPlant’s beautiful perspective about the Latham community and “dream environment” for someone with PWS will strike a chord with all of us.

The catalyst of this conversation about what’s special about Latham began with two new students who had first gotten to know each other as participants in Latham Centers’ virtual PWS community. One asked, “is it like Disney?!” The other responded, “yes!” When Susan first heard the Latham/Disney comparison, she began to consider what makes Latham unique to these enthusiastic youngsters.

“We all think of Disney being that magical place to go where you are going to […] have this special time,” Susan reflected. “What we have [at Latham] that’s magical for an individual with PWS is that food safe environment, where each child that comes to Latham is understood, where they feel like they’re a part of something greater – something magical.”

Don’t miss the “Magic of Latham” audio podcast — available on Podbean.

Susan LaPlant, Admissions Officer, has been a part of our Latham Centers team for 28 years. She is pictured (center) at the PWANY Conference (May 2022).





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