Giving back to the community

Our Children’s Program prepared a special community donation over the holidays. Director of Residential Services Melissa Soares shared highlights of the heartwarming and generous effort:

“Our Second Annual Community Give Back was meaningful for all of us. Despite the challenges we have faced throughout the past year, the Cottage and Cabin girls wanted to continue last year’s initiative, donating to those in need within our local community. The holidays are a time to recognize and appreciate the good fortunes we have each year, big and small. The girls spent time putting together 28 gift bags as a donation to St. Joseph’s House (a local shelter serving individuals who are homeless). Bags included word puzzle books, chapstick, gloves, warm socks, hand sanitizer, face masks, deodorant, toothbrushes, and other essential needs, topped off with homemade pillows from one of our Cabin residents. These were delivered on Christmas Eve, and although the girls did not get to drop off the goodies themselves, they were able to drive by and wave to wish a Happy Holiday.”


Submitted by Melissa Soares, Children’s Program Residential Director

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