February is most often a cold, dark month, but at Latham Centers, our campus is bustling with activity!
Monday: Field Games with the West Wing can consist of everything from relay races to soccer on the field! The location is to-be-determined based on the weather and activity!
Tuesday: Monique is our Physical Fitness Instructor and hosts Fitness with Monique every Tuesday. She encourages students to participate in everything from Yoga to balancing challenges. Tuesday, February 14th is a special day students will celebrate Valentine’s day with a delicious meal and Dance Party in Hawk’s Nest!
Wednesday: Our Clinical Team leads Social Skills Groups, where students meet with students facing similar hardships. Students learn everything from how to react to friends in tense situations, to how to manage behaviors in the community. Yesterday, February 1st, was a special Tuesday – students participated in the Community Meeting before meeting in their Clinical Groups!
Thursday: The Latham Hawks practice basketball every Thursday, except the 23rd. On the 23rd, all students will participate in exercise games!
Friday: We challenge our students on Fridays by participating in outdoor activities. We aren’t scared at Latham Centers of a little cold weather, but we are very observant of the amount of time spent outside. Notice that students are only outside for an hour! Students then decompress later by playing Board Games with peers!
Saturday: Each suite at Latham Centers goes off campus and participates in specific outings geared towards that group of students. After returning to campus and having dinner, they settle in for Suite Movie Nights.
Sunday: Sundays are also fun, and filled with community outings ranging from the Animal Rescue League to Public Libraries. This month is particularly special as our Latham Hawks Flag Football Team and staff are greatly looking forward to this Sunday’s Super Bowl Game together and cheering on our home team, the New England Patriots! Towards the end of the month, there will be a campus-wide exercise outing to Drummer Boy Park, Brewster where students will work in teams and with staff to get their heart rates up.