Corn Maze Conundrum!



Fall means a lot of things to many people. There are memories associated with upcoming holidays and the typical seasonal events usually focused around specific festive foods. Cider, Halloween candy, pumpkin, hot cocoa; all food items we associate with Fall. For all the students at Latham Centers, this season can bring excitement and also anxiety. With much preparation, the Residential department organized a trip to “get lost” in a corn maze at a farm in Southeastern, MA.
Students were prepped by their staff ahead of time and role played ways to deal with the stimulation in the community. Some were encouraged to bring sensory bags and fidgets to assist in a successful community experience.
Eighteen students and their staff began their journey to the maze early Sunday morning. With a little healthy competition, student’s stayed focused on getting out of the maze successfully and also completing some exercise on a beautiful fall day.

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