Community Spotlight: Latham honors Wind Screens with Roy T. Morgan Award
July 2, 2019
Clinician Beth Conway presented the Roy T. Morgan Award to a longtime community partner of ours at Latham Centers’ End of Year Celebration last month. Beth’s award presentation to Wind Screens Inc. illuminated the generosity and commitment to our students shown by our friends from this local business:
“The best thing about Latham is our community; our community of students, staff, families, friends, and board members,” Beth began. “This year, we want to acknowledge and thank Wind Screens for being a member of our Latham Family in the community. Wind Screens has been in business for 36 years, and Jean and Greg Dansak still print each T-shirt by hand. Wind Screens has made several projects for Latham over the years – including Performing Arts shirts. The project closest to my heart is the annual student T-shirt contest. They are always friendly, efficient, reliable – and they haven’t raised our rates in all these years! But what makes them part of our community is they always make time for the students, no matter how busy they are. Over the years, they have helped students select colors, shown how the machinery works, and most recently, students have been able to print one of their own shirts. In the dining room later, you will see the T-shirts from the past 13 years on display as well as the artwork of this year’s participants.”
Wind Screens was then honored with Latham Centers’ 2019 Roy T. Morgan Award “for Outstanding Contribution and Commitment to People with Disabilities.” Unfortunately, because our celebration took place during their busiest time of year, Jean and Greg were unable to attend the June 21st event. Beth called to stage the winner of the 2019 Latham School T-shirt design contest to receive the award on their behalf, noting, “The owners of Wind Screens wanted you all to know how honored they are to receive this award.”
Beth and the student design winner later presented the award to Jean and Greg Dansak at their business, and they again expressed their gratitude in a note to Beth: “Please thank everyone involved in making this happen. The AWARD is much appreciated. Always nice dealing with NICE PEOPLE. Peace, Jean & Greg Dansak.”
Congratulations and thanks to Wind Screens of Orleans! (Stay tuned for more community spotlights soon).
Pictured: All 13 of our annual Latham Student T-Shirt Contest winning designs are displayed, a tribute to our friends at Wind Screens who help us honor and celebrate our students’ creativity; Jean & Greg Dansak are presented with the Roy T. Morgan Award.