Adult Program Director’s Thanksgiving reflections: “I am thankful for you”

Thanksgiving Day at Latham” (written by Gina Sheehan, Director of Adult Services):

There is so much to say. Thanksgiving day was an example of true altruism, teamwork, and bravery – and every Adult Services manager and direct support staff member in some way or another played an important role. They say a small group of thoughtful, committed people can change the world. On this day, you changed our Latham world for the better. Prepping, menu planning, cooking, serving, setting up, staffing, helping our individuals through all of this, mitigating risk and long discussions about decisions and details has paid off.

Anyone can be positive when things are going well. Anyone can be positive when there is no pandemic, when the sun is shining, when everything is “normal” and status quo. Anyone can do ‘good’ work then. This team has done great work. To do great work, you are challenged mentally and emotionally. Great work comes from circumstances that seem insurmountable. Great work comes from adversities that make us better, together. Great work is work that asks us to step forward when many others are stepping back. Last Thursday –  the past 8 months – you’ve all stepped forward. You should be so proud of yourselves.

The program and the individuals are all healthier and more hopeful because of you.

I am thankful for you.

~ Gina 

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