Latham Butterflies

  Today I parked my car in a different spot and saw the flutter of many butterflies on this impressive plant known as the “butterfly bush.” It is aptly named given the multitude of wings, either stationary or flying, amongst the purple flowers. It seemed so appropriate to see these today.  Latham is saying congratulations…

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TIP of the WEEK: On the Lighter Side

I have gotten many requests to post more low calorie/low fat summer treats and as we are right in the middle of the dog days of summer, I thought now would be a good time.We have had one of the hottest summers on record and these cool summer treats will help to beat the heat!…

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Tropical New York

As an avid Red Sox fan, this pains me to say….New York City is a pretty cool place. Actually, cool is a poor descriptor of my recent visit to the large city south of us.  It was 91 degrees at 8pm on a return walk to my hotel from dinner. I was there for business;…

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TIP of the WEEK: Caring for Yourself

As parents  you spend so much time caring for your loved ones, worrying about their well being, their health and happiness that you often forget about your own. Your child comes first, his or her health needs, behavioral management and endless hours of advocacy come before your own basic needs. You know every hair on…

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