Fitness Revolution Trainer, Jamie Hoffman, Visits Latham Adult Program for the Third Time

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Yesterday evening, Jamie Hoffman from Fitness Revolution, drove to Latham Centers’ Great Hill home in order to teach our adult residents new and different types of exercises. Considering the time of year, and how summer is coming to an end, the goal in Tuesday night’s Training Session was to show residents exercises that can be practiced and perfected at home with peers and staff people.
The first and second time Jamie came and taught floor exercises, as well as exercises with fitness bands, balance balls, and weights. Almost one year from his first time visiting the Latham Adults, Jamie has truly developed a relationship with the adult residents, who are always excited about his arrival.
Specifically, Jamie focused on:
  1. Toe Touches (Warm Up)
  2. Side Lunges (Warm Up)
  3. Side Bends
  4. DEEP Knee Bends
  5. High Knees
  6. Push Ups
  7. Butt Kicks
  8. Planks (forearm or straight arm)
  9. Jumping Jacks
  10. Jab Punches
  11. Crunches
  12. Toe Touches (Wind Down)
  13. Side Lunges (Wind Down)
He started with a “warm up” to increase heart rate, continued with each of the listed exercises, and then finished with the same “warm-up” activities. The residents noticed that they had more flexibility the second time they participated in toe touches and side lunges during the “wind down” period.
Thank you to Jamie and Fitness Revolution for being such dynamic partners to the residents and staff at Latham Centers!

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